Center for Oral History » Oral Histories
Explore the oral histories below or browse the entire Government archive at ScholarSpace.
Hawai‘i Political History Documentation Project
Forty-two former office holders, aides, appointees, party organizers, union officials, lobbyists, and political observers share their perspectives on territorial and state politics. June 1996, 1618 pages, 3 volumes.
Public Education in Hawai‘i: Oral Histories
Former administrators and teachers discuss their backgrounds, training, careers, and educational philosophies, practices, and attitudes. September 1991, 612 pages, 2 volumes, photographs.
The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts: An Oral History
SFCA executive directors, staff and commissioners, arts educators, and others talk about the origins and growth of the agency, its early goals and achievements, and the development and role of arts in the community. May 1991, 445 pages, 1 volume, photographs.